Change Applications (other than IATF 16949)

When your organization falls under any of the followings, please fill out the form "Application for Change in Registered Contents (PDF: 578KB)" (for IATF 16949, please use this form (PDF: 1.0MB)) and submit it to your local JQA office.
Since the Change Audit needs to be carried out before revising the registration certificate, please submit it by 4 months before the preferred date of the Change Audit.

  • When there is a change in any of Registered Organization Name, Scope of Registration or Associated Organization(s) described on the certificate.
  • When there is a significant change in the number of personnel.
  • When you want to change the language of certificate (Japanese/English).
  • When you want to unify or divide the registration.

1. How to fill out this form

  • In the "Person to Contact" field, please fill in the name of the person who prepares this form.
  • Please fill in the details of the change in the right column, or attach a document describing its details instead.
  • Please be noted that JQA may require more detailed information when the change is significant.
    • [Example] More detailed information on the changes of associated organizations, or more detailed information
       on ISO 14001 environmental aspects that may have an impact.

2. Change Audit

  • When the changes are only in the name of organization or location address description due to administrative reasons, JQA may conduct a document review instead of Change Audit.
  • Same as ordinary audits, JQA will check the readiness status of the organization whether we could go on to the Change Audit. Please be noted that JQA may conduct a 1st Stage Audit (same as Initial Certification Audit) when the applied change may have a significant impact to your organization's management system. For more details, please refer to the latest version of "Management System Certification/Registration Rules (PDF:1.0MB)".
  • A Change Audit may be conducted together with ordinary Surveillance/Renewal audit.
  • When the result of Change Audit or document review proceeding is appropriate, and is approved by the certification committee, the changed registration certificate will be issued.
  • Audit Man-days for the Change Audit will be determined depending on the criteria standard and the content of change. For more details, please contact your local JQA office.
  • If you need a quotation for Change Audit, or want to know more details, please contact your local JQA office.

3. Fees for Issuing Changed Certificates

  • If you want to know the fee for issuing the changed certificate, please contact your local JQA office.

4. When Involving Contact Person Change