Scope of Certification

JIS Standards - Certification Covered by JQA

Division Z : Miscellaneous (Packaging, welding and radioactivity)

No.JIS NumberJIS Title
1Z0312Non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives
2Z0701Silicagel desiccants for packaging
3Z1506Corrugated shipping containers
4Z1509Kraft paper sacks -- For potato starch
5Z1511Gummed paper tapes (for packaging)
6Z1516Corrugated fiberboards for shipping containers
7Z1525Pressure sensitive adhesive polyvinyl chloride tapes for packaging
8Z1527Polypropylene band
9Z1528Pressure sensitive adhesive double coated tapes
10Z1541High potential pressure sensitive adhesive double coated tapes
11Z1600Open head steel drums
12Z1601Tight head steel drums
13Z160218 liter metal cans
14Z1607Metal caps and nozzles
15Z1710Blow moulded polyethylene containers for kerosine
16Z1901Pressure sensitive adhesive polyvinyl chloride tapes for corrosion protection
17Z3211Covered electrodes for mild steel, high tensile strength steel and low temperature service steel
18Z3214Covered electrodes for atmospheric corrosion resisting steel
19Z3221Stainless steel covered electrodes
20Z3223Covered electrodes for molybdenum steel and chromium molybdenum steel
21Z3232Aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires
22Z3251Covered electrodes for hardfacing
23Z3261Silver brazing filler metals
24Z3264Copper phosphorus brazing filler metals
25Z3282Soft solders -- Chemical compositions and forms
26Z3283Resin flux cored solders
27Z3312Solid wires for MAG and MIG welding of mild steel, high strength steel and low temperature service steel
28Z3313Flux cored wires for gas shielded and self-shielded metal arc welding of mild steel, high strength steel and low temperature service steel
29Z3315Solid wires for MAG and MIG welding of atmospheric corrosion resisting steel
30Z3316Solid wires and rods for TIG welding of mild steel, high strength steel and low temperature service steel
31Z3320Flux cored wires for gas shielded and self-shielded metal arc welding of atmospheric corrosion resisting steel
32Z3321Stainless steel rods, wires and strip electrodes for welding
33Z3323Stainless steel flux cored wires and rods for arc welding
34Z3351Solid wires for submerged arc welding of carbon steel and low alloy steel
35Z3353Electroslag welding wires and fluxes for mild steel and high strength steel
36Z4329Portable radiation surface contamination meters and monitors
37Z4333Portable ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for X, gamma and beta radiation
38Z7311Refuse derived paper and plastics densified fuel
39Z7312Biosolids Fuel